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Natural Cycles Farm, LLC

Produce and Flowers

Peter  Robertson

3031 102nd Avenue
Allegan, MI United States
County: Allegan

Natural Cycles Farm is a diverse food production enterprise. Located on 36 acres of glacial till in west Michigan, we approach our land stewardship with a Holistic philosophy. We do more than till and pull…we manage for a diverse ecosystem that supports all life. Starting on this land in 2017, we have regenerated the land’s capacity for supporting life; cycling nutrients, water and energy (sunlight). We have added numerous perennials and hundreds of trees. Wildflowers attract insects through the warm months and feed the winter birds. Our ruminants cycle forages and stimulate the rhizosphere. Our farm produces a breadth of Certified Naturally Grown vegetables and fruits as well as humanely raised animals and their products. In Holistic management there is no such thing as waste. Everything from the farm is used or becomes food for another life. So we compost, mulch, vermicompost, and recycle everything! Visits are welcome by appointment and fair compensation.

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