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By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

Are you curious about new ways to control weeds this upcoming season?
WeedGuardPlus is a biodegradable and water permeable mulch made from cellulose fibers that suppresses weeds, sparing countless hours spent on weed management. We spoke with VP of Sales & Marketing Mike Gallagher to learn about paper innovations in the management of unwanted plants.
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did WeedGuardPlus get started?
Mike Gallagher (MG): A grower who was using plastic mulch asked if our parent company, SunShine Paper Company, could develop a mulch made from cellulose, which is a renewable resource that is 100% biodegradable. Just like that, WeedGuardPlus was born!

CNG: What are Weed Guard Plus’ core values?
MG: We try to satisfy our customers’ needs to the best of our ability, deliver innovative solutions, and maintain integrity in our dealings with customers and suppliers. Above all, we aim to learn and grow professionally and personally every day. 
CNG: What makes WeedGuardPlus different?
MG: We feel our product addresses a vital need to help offset the persistent use of plastics in agriculture. Being the only product that is 100% bio-based and 100% biodegradable, WeedGuard is the sound choice for protecting our environment from further micro and macro plastic particle contamination of our soil and water.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?

MG: Whenever we have the opportunity to support groups and organizations who subscribe to good environmental practices, we do! CNG is one of those organizations.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at WeedGuardPlus our CNG community can look forward to in 2019 and beyond?
MG: We are developing some new products utilizing hemp fiber, and we are also introducing some great new items that will save time for tree nursery growers.
CNG: It’s a tough question, but what is your favorite item in the WeedGuardPlus store?
MG: It is difficult, but one of my favorites is the Pre-Punched line with great spacing pattern options. These products save growers time, and provide best utilization of field space. The idea came from Zach Randle of Randle Farms in Alabama. I just acted on his idea!
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
MG: This is a great question. I’d like to see less plastics and more renewable resource products used. We can and we must do better.
Also, I’d like my children to have greater access to and more options of organically grown produce. I’d like to see elimination of toxic chemicals used in agriculture in favor of natural preventives.
…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

Even winter is an abundant time at Certified Naturally Grown: we’re celebrating 39 newly certified farmers and beekeepers! Check the list below to see if a farmer you know is among them. Plus, we have brand new Business Allies and a blog bursting with fresh news.

The Harvest Quarterly is our seasonal newsletter, delivered every few months. Enjoy it while it’s fresh! Not yet subscribed? Sign up here.

Congratulations to These 39 Newly Certified Farmers and Beekeepers

We are delighted to recognize the producers who have completed all the requirements for CNG certification since mid-June. They are listed below alphabetically by state and province. 
To find a list of all the Certified Naturally Grown producers in your area, visit our searchable map here.
Know someone who should be listed? Have them Get Certified! 

Faith Farms, AK
Baxters Apiary, AR
Kannett Farm, AR
Ozark Urban Greens, AR
St. Joseph Center of Arkansas, AR
Araceli Farms, CA
M-D Garlic Farms, CA
White Crow Ranch SLV, CO
Ellijay Mushrooms, GA
Paul’s Meadow, GA
Posley’s Produce, GA
Blue Gate Farm, IA
Twin Circle Farm,LLC, IL
Andorfer Acres West, Inc., IN
West KY Aquaponics, LLC, KY
Happy Hills Farm, LA
River Queen Greens, LA
Common Acre Farm, MA
Haile Orchard, MD
Hope Honey Farm, MD
Land Reef Farms, MD
Agape Community Farm, MO
Front Street farms, MO
Sanctified Soil, MO
SCG Market Garden, MO
Honey Tree Farm, NC
The Homestead Aronia Plantation, NE
Fox Creek Farm, NY
MandA Farm, NY
Skyhill Farm, NY
Briarpatch Botanicals, OR
Squared Roots Farm, OR
A Different Chick Farm and Orchard, TN
Brown’s Farm, TN
One Wheel Market Garden, TN
Sow and Harvest Farms, TN
Blue Eden Farm, VA
ColdSnap Aquaponics LLC, WI
Northern Creek Farm, AB


A Warm Welcome to our Generous 2019 Business Allies!

The Business Allies listed below are leaders in the sustainable agriculture community, and pioneers of our new and growing program. We’re grateful for their support, which helps keep Certified Naturally Grown affordable for CNG farmers and beekeepers.
We’re proud to announce that 26 like-minded businesses have signed on or renewed their Business Ally status so far in 2019! You can learn more about their outstanding work by clicking on the links below:
Banner Greenhouses
Brooks Contractor
Chelsea Green Publishing
CleBer LLC/Oggún
Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors
Drew’s Organics
Earth Tools
East End Food Co-op
The Fertrell Company
Food Conspiracy Co-op
Grower’s Discount Labels
Growing For Market
Harris Seeds Organic
Lee Publications
Nelson & Pade, Inc.
Ohio Earth Food
Salt & Soil Marketplace
SeaAgri, Inc. (SEA-90 Trace Minerals for Livestock and Soil)
Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies
Small Farm Works
Victory Seed Co.
If you or someone you know represents a company that serves the sustainable agriculture community, we hope you’ll consider joining these excellent Allies. Click the button below to learn how. 

The Latest Winter Reads on the Blog

A Farmer’s Guide to Winter: Our Top Tips
Co-ops, Markets, and Farmers Markets That Build Local Food Systems
Grassroots Representation at 2019 Conferences
Local Farms: Going Strong in 2019
Certified Naturally Grown Christmas Trees: Q&A With Farmer Chris Delaney
Giving Thanks for the Hard Work of Sustainable CNG Farmers
We’re Growing! Hello New CNG Staff
All CNG producers are listed on our website. Would you like your farm on this map? Get Certified!  

For more frequent or different updates, edit your preferences here.

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

A winter scene at Enon Valley Garlic, PA

Ah, winter. For many, it’s a dreaded time of numb noses, grey skies, and sun lamps.

But for most Certified Naturally Grown farmers who grow primarily in the months of April to November, December through March is a rich time to recharge. The winter months are a respite from the chaos of market season, a rest for weary backs and hamstrings, and a reward for the summertime sunrise-to-sunset (and sometimes longer) workdays.
Read on to learn how we recommend you recharge in this slower season. #1 is guaranteed to make you giggle!

1. Enjoy some tunes

Longtime Certified Naturally Grown member Six Circles Farm boasts some extremely original sounds from their all-star volunteer, Jacksonic. If you’re finding these months of never-ending root vegetables have you down, turn up The Eat Vegetables LP. Plus, we’re thrilled to find our logo on the album artwork of the album below, and our t-shirt featured in this music video!

July Garlic on August Tomato Sandwiches by Jacksonic

2. Devour a book

We’re proud to have these incredible authors in our grassroots community. We’ve been poring over Leah Penniman’s Farming While Black, and can’t wait until our Business Ally Andrew Mefferd of Growing for Market‘s book comes out in just a few weeks!
Two dense but readable books from the CNG community!

3. …or a magazine!

Be sure to renew your subscriptions to Acres USAGrowing For Market, and Small Farm Quarterly. And don’t forget Bee Culture and Mother Earth News!

Some of our favorite magazines

4. Scour your favorite seed catalogs

‘Nuff said. Below are some of our favorites! You can also click here to learn more about CNG-approved seeds.

We love a whimsical seed catalog cover

5. Take a trip!

If not now, when? We know many of our farmers are spending this month visiting family, enjoying a bit of eco or agrotourism in warmer climates, or are firmly planted on a beach in attempt to finally remove their farmer’s tan. Did you know there are plenty of CNG farms to visit on Hawaii?

No Spray Hawaii has a great view in January…

6. Maintain now, no crisis later

After a busy growing season, tools and equipment start to wear down and beg for some TLC. Now is a great time to clean, sharpen, and repair so that everything you need is in excellent condition come springtime. Plus, these cooler months let you take the process slowly, so you can enjoy the art of repair instead of frantically fixing so you can get back into the field.

Moon Dog Farms’ tractor is in tip top shape. Is yours?

7. Stop by a conference

Conferences are vital for farmers to stay connected and learn from each other. Click here to find out where we’ll be in the next few months, and be sure to say hello if we’ll be crossing paths!

Farmers from Raindrop Ridge, Five Apple Farm Honey, and Spruill Farm Conservation Project with CNG’s Alice Varon at Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s 2015 Sustainable Agriculture Conference
If you like what you read, we invite you to spread the word!

Suggested Facebook post and/or Tweet:
Winter is the best time for R&R on the farm. Here’s how @CNGfarming suggests you make the most of your time to recharge! Which activity is your favorite? #CertifiedNaturallyGrown

Just like the symbiotic relationship between pollinators and produce, Certified Naturally Grown farmers rely on their local farmers markets, co-ops, and independent grocery stores to support their work.

Our Guide to Exceptional Markets (GEMs) has been a key resource for farmers and markets alike to thrive. GEMs source from ecologically-minded, CNG-certified growers to make it easier to keep money in the local economy and to promote a stronger food system and healthier community.

We have some beautiful badges and updates to make this year the most sparkling year for sustainable, local food yet! Keep reading to learn more about what’s new and how to get involved.

Our New Tier Guide

Markets, co-ops, and groceries can earn a GEMs listing or upgrade their GEMs Tier by meeting the qualifications for each Tier.

Tier 1: Recognize
These markets clearly indicate which vendors or products are CNG-certified.

Tier 2: Prefer
These markets have a clear & visible policy that the market or co-op prefers farms with certification, and CNG is one of the options, when selecting vendors.

Tier 3: Require
These markets have a clearly stated and visible policy that the market or co-op requires vendors hold a certification, and CNG is one of the options.

Perk Alert!

There are different benefits of being a GEMs Market at each Tier:

Tier 1: Recognize
– Social media promotion
– Inclusion in the Guide to Exceptional Markets (GEMs)
– Free laminated sign promoting your GEMs listing
– Permission to use Exceptional Market badge for your Tier

Tier 2: Prefer
– All the benefits included in Tier 1
– Free banner design
– Free press release
– Free temporary tattoos for market booth
– Priority assistance involving community stakeholders in CNG farm inspections

Tier 3: Require
– All the benefits included in Tiers 1 and 2
– Dedicated blog post about your market
– Other collaborations we can think up together!

A Brand New Badge

To further lift up the markets that go the extra mile to make their local food systems for transparent and accessible, our designer Aly Miller has created a brand new icon and badge to correspond with each of the GEMs Tiers.

We’re All In This Together

Are you a market manager who is interested in being listed in our guide, but don’t have any vendors who are Certified Naturally Grown? Don’t fret, your listing in our Guide to Exceptional Markets is not out of reach!

We will work with your vendors who are interested in transitioning to CNG to help you join GEMs. We are on call to educate, troubleshoot, and support your vendors as they join our nationwide grassroots community.

Pitch Your Market

We would be delighted to add your market to our roster. Please take the steps to join our Exceptional Markets!

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

Ohio Earth Food provides organic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and more for ecologically-minded growers. We spoke with Ted Stutz, Owner of Ohio Earth Food, to learn more about this great resource for CNG growers. Ohio and Wisconsin farmers, listen up! Ohio Earth Food offers assistance with soil testing, and can also deliver products to your farm!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Ohio Earth Food get started?
Ted Stutz (TS): Ohio Earth Food was started in 1973 by a gentleman named Larry Ringer who was ahead of his time on organic farming methods. He had trouble sourcing natural alternatives to use on his farm, and found that folks around him were in the same bind. So, he started his own operation to fill a local need, and the business took off!
That remains our mission today: if a group of organic growers needs something, we’ll get it it!

CNG: What are Ohio Earth Food’s core values?
TS: We really believe in the family farm, and we try to make it as easy as possible for farmers to be successful in their chosen profession. We do this by sourcing the necessary products at the right prices, plus we deliver right to our customer’s farms.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?
TS: I think Certified Naturally Grown is great! It was an easy decision.
All of us here at Ohio Earth Food have our own organic farms. We believe in food that is not altered by chemicals or GMOs to protect the health of people and planet. I talk to plenty of folks in the field who feel the same way – they grow organically, but don’t want to get USDA certified for one reason on another.

Certified Naturally Grown makes it easy for growers to get credit for their good practices and add value to their work.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Ohio Earth Food customers?

TS: CNG does a HUGE service to our customers to highlight that they avoid chemicals and only use natural inputs. I promote your work whenever possible. Most of our growers know it’s the right way to farm.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at Ohio Earth Food our CNG community can look forward to in 2019 and beyond?
TS: I’m working with our three core groups of customers to develop some necessary solutions. I’m working with our vegetable farmers on reasonably-priced chelated individual vitamins to support nutrient deficiencies in crops. I’m working with dairy farmers to test different fertilizer techniques that can get farmers sizable returns. I’m also supporting row crop farmers on some products that are more readily digested by the soil, with higher nitrogen content at a lower price.
CNG: It’s a tough question, but what is your favorite item in the Ohio Earth Food store?
TS: I would have to say our Re-Vita Pro 5-4-5. It’s a winning product that is the backbone of our company. Our customers will sometimes try a similar product elsewhere, but they almost always come back to our version.
I’m also partial to The Seed Catapult Professional Organic Growing Mix. I helped develop this product, and actually worked with a childhood friend for the artwork!

CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
TS: I would connect urban grocery buyers with their local farmers. I want to bridge this gap so small farmers aren’t crowded out by their “competitors” across the country, or even the world! I’m actually working with OEFFA to incentivize CSAs to local companies and universities. I want to do what I can to stop this breakdown in local food systems.

CNG: Is there anything else CNG growers should know?
TS: I would use the story of The Seed Catapult to answer this question. It was the first product I had completely developed, so I designed it all from scratch. I learned about the benefits of Mycorrhizal fungi from Dr. Elaine Ingham during a course at The Rodale Institute. I incorporated this knowledge by spending two years developing this potting soil that presents these spores to hosting plants as early as possible. Then, I tracked down my friend Chris Cornetet for the artwork, and found he can still cartoon with the best of ’em! It went off to the printer and we now sell 10,000 units a year and growing!
Ohio Earth Food exists to bring you the best products at the best price with the best customer experience. It always has and always will!
…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

From animal feed to zinc oxide, Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies has everything you need to prepare for a successful growing season.
The Virginia-based CSA farm and supply source caters to ecological operations of all sizes, and has long been an enthusiastic champion of our certification! We spoke with Crop Adviser Daniel Sweeney about how his work with Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies supports our network of Certified Naturally Grown farmers. Thanks to the Seven Springs team for taking this all-staff photo exclusively for this blog post!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies get started?
Daniel Sweeney (DS): Ron Juftes and Polly Hieser started Seven Springs Farm in 1990. Ron created the supply company to meet the demand from other local farms, and the business has since grown steadily alongside the organic farming movement.
CNG: What are Seven Springs’ core values?
DS: We strive to provide farmers and gardeners with the tools, supplies, and knowledge they need to be successful, year after year. We believe that ecologically-conscious farming is critically important for the health of people and the environment.

CNG: What makes Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies different?
DS: Seven Springs is one of only a few companies that works solely with organic inputs and serves growers of all scales. We are a small and committed team with varied backgrounds and farming philosophies, and we take a thoughtful approach to serving growers on a case-by-case basis.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?
DS: CNG is a “natural” fit for us and most of our customers. Our priority is ecological farming. Though we do limit our offerings to NOP compliant materials, many of the farmers we work with are not certified organic.
The integrity of CNG’s peer-review certification model inspires confidence and is in direct alignment with our mission and goals.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Seven Springs customers?

DS: CNG supports our customers by offering a viable, grassroots alternative to organic certification and by thinking and acting independently in a time of change and growth in the natural farming community.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at Seven Springs Organic Farming Supplies our CNG community can look forward to in 2019 and beyond?
DS: We are always striving to be better informed and to expand our reach to help more farmers. In the past year we have welcomed a livestock specialist and an IPM specialist to the team. We also now have an Nutrition Farming bionutrient advisor on staff. Plus, we’ve recently been working with university researchers to help provide the most accurate recommendations for our biologically-based inputs.
CNG: It’s a tough question, but what is your favorite item in the Seven Springs store?
DS: I’m sure each person on staff has their own favorites…Personally, I love the cover crop seeds, specifically winter peas. Seeds are the ultimate in potential because they can positively impact every aspect of farming, from nutrition to pest and disease management. Plus, they’re beautiful!
Daniel wasn’t kidding, these peas sure are stunning!
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
DS: I would use my magic wand to allow everyone the opportunity to spend time working on a farm.
America is a nation founded on agriculture. Unfortunately, many Americans have never had the chance to experience the joys, sorrows and ultimate beauty of farm life.

I believe that the more people are connected to the land and the better we all understand the choices farmers have to make, the easier it will be to work together as we push into the challenges ahead.
CNG: Is there anything else CNG growers should know?
DS: Seven Springs is here to serve farmers of all walks! We exist to help farmers first, and we believe that the materials we offer have a place in all types of farming.
…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

It may be January, but June is never far from Certified Naturally Grown farmers’ minds! Seed catalogs arrive in mailboxes this time of the year with an anticipated thud, each glossy booklet brimming with jewel-toned possibilities for the growing season ahead.
Harris Seeds Organic’s catalog doesn’t disappoint (just look at that constellation!), and we’re proud to announce that they were among some of the first companies to sign on as a Business Ally of Certified Naturally Grown!
In this month of seed dreaming and crop plan scheming, we interviewed Brand Manager Daniel Eggert about how his work with Harris Seeds Organic supports the nationwide community of CNG growers.
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Harris Seeds Organic get started?
Daniel Eggert (DE): Harris Seeds was founded back in 1879 by Joseph Harris. Harris Seeds has been certified to handle organic seeds since the passing of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) in 2002.

Prior to 2015, the company had a very limited selection of organic seeds, and mostly offered untreated seeds to organic and sustainable growers. After a change in management in 2016, a new president came in who wanted to have an entire line of organic seeds. At the same time, I was coming back from Australia where I WWOOF’ed on organic farms and homesteads. I had been working in the Harris Seeds call center before I left, and had planned on coming back in the same role.

Instead, the team asked me to take over as Organic Brand Manager and create the Harris Seeds Organic Brand! Since then, we’ve tripled the organic seed sales year after year, while creating a robust product offering that ensures success for small and medium-sized farms.
Daniel Eggert working on this year’s Harris Seeds Organic catalog cover artwork
CNG: What are Harris Seeds Organic’s core values?
DE: Harris Seeds Organic provides high quality organic and untreated seeds that have been proven all over the country for direct-market growers.
Whether it’s uniform and productive hybrids, tried and true heirlooms, or funky and unique open pollinated varieties, Harris Seeds Organic provides small to medium size growers with successful cultivars that are sure to sell at farm stands, CSAs, and farmers markets.

  • Our NY State-certified germination lab ensures that every seed we source and sell has been proven to meet our rigorous requirements. In fact, Harris Seeds was the very first company in America to test for good seed germination and print the results on every package of seed sold!
  • Our passion is to strengthen sustainable agriculture to help alleviate food deserts around the world. We do this by donating and partnering with 1% For The Planet businesses, selling organic seeds that are proven to grow even in adverse conditions, and providing expertise and knowledge for the next generation of growers who hold our world’s health in their hands.
  • A lot of the problems we face as a civilization stem from agriculture. Climate change, food deserts, food waste, obesity, and diabetes – they all have a resolution through adjusting our food system with more sustainable practices.
    CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?

DE: It was a no-brainer to partner with Certified Naturally Grown!
CNG offers an option for growers who are passionate about growing sustainably but may not have the means or time to participate in the National Organic Program. Plus, the inspection process ensures that everyone within the program has a stake in the organization and acts with integrity.
Above all, Certified Naturally Grown allows the grower to market the hard work that goes into food produced without GMOs or synthetic chemicals.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Harris Seeds Organic customers?
DE: CNG provides our customers with a marketable stamp of approval that really creates extra value for the produce they grow from the seed they buy. If CNG didn’t exist, these growers might get pushed out by the pseudo “natural growers” who are not following organic practices.
Now that’s a leek! 
CNG: What are some exciting developments at Harris Seeds Organic our CNG community can look forward to in 2019 and beyond?
DE: We are working on more organic seed productions for 2019 and will hope to introduce some new breeding lines of unique and productive vegetables. We are conducting research on marketable yields of popular crops. We are also working with breeders on disease resistance in cultivars.

Plus, we’re 1% For The Planet members, so we contribute a portion of every order to support nonprofit organizations like Certified Naturally Grown. We are also partnering with Rodale Institute to help support their Agriculture Supporting Communities program. 
CNG: I know it’s like choosing a favorite child, but what is your favorite Harris Seeds Organic variety?
DE: So tough! If I had to answer, I say both Double Red Sweet Corn and Stocky Red Roaster Peppers.I picked Double Red Sweet Corn because it was bred and cultivated by one of my favorite breeders and the father of organic seeds, Dr. Alan “Mushroom” Kapuler. How many people can say they have eaten a fresh ear of red sweet corn?! The color is fantastic, it is high in nutrients, and is very versatile. Eat it fresh like sweet corn, let it dry and grind it into flour to make tortillas (hello, veggie tacos!), or feed it to the chickens to supplement their diet.
My other choice is the Stocky Red Roaster pepper and was bred by Frank Morton. He is another one of my favorite breeders. It is a phenomenally uniform open pollinated pepper that yields like a hybrid, with thick walls and sweet flavor. I’ve never grown any pepper this productive and easy to manage!
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
DE: If only!
However, I don’t think we need a magic wand to improve farm systems in America. We just need a better understanding of soil health and management. Healthy soil creates:
– Higher yields
– More nutritious crops 
– Greater ability for a plant to withstand pests and disease
– Higher carbon sequestration
– A better future for the next generation of farmers
In fact, I am currently in a training program with The American Farmland Trust that helps farmers better understand soil health.
CNG: Is there anything else CNG growers should know?
DE: I think I’ve ranted enough!

CNG is fulfilling a need for so many small growers. Thank you for being our Business Ally!
…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

Farmers from Raindrop Ridge, Five Apple Farm Honey, and Spruill Farm Conservation Project with CNG’s Alice Varon at Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s 2015 Sustainable Agriculture Conference
We can’t wait to see you at a number of conferences throughout the US in the next few months!

…and by “we,” we mean the CNG community at large.

That’s right, local Certified Naturally Grown Ambassadors will be representing our grassroots group at these excellent events. 
We are delighted to be able to tap CNG farmers to enthusiastically stand for our certification at local (but large!) events. This means we can be more efficient as an organization, minimizing travel costs and allowing local folks to dig deeper into their communities to help CNG grow.
Keep reading to learn the whos, whats, wheres, and whens of the 2019 conference season!
Plus: Are you looking to connect with our ambassadors or attend a CNG meetup during the conference? Sign up at the tail end of this post!

Who: Kylee Wongrowski of Luckey Road Lavender
What: The United States Lavender Growers’ Association’s Conference
Where: Charleston, South Carolina
When: January 24, 25, and 26

Who: Denise Hayes of Hayes Farm and John Ward of Ward Vegetables
What: The Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference
Where: Acme, Michigan
When: January 25 and 26

Who: Pete Robertson of Natural Cycles Farms and Jeannie Sanders of Sandershire Seasonings
What: Michigan Family Farms Conference
Where: Kalamazoo, Michigan
When: February 9

Who: Tim Williams of Maggy’s Farm and Anna Wilson of Brown Bottle Farm
What: Oregon Small Farms Conference
Where: Corvallis, Oregon
When: February 23

Who: Tracy Veal of Wilderness Greenhouse and Colin Peacock of Salt & Soil Marketplace
What: The Alaska Food Festival & Conference
Where: Homer, Alaska
When: March 8 and 9

Who: TBD! Would you like to get involved? Give us a shout!
What: Organic Growers School Conference
Where: Mars Hill, North Carolina
When: March 8, 9, 10
Are you looking to connect with our ambassadors or attend a CNG meetup during the conference?
Click here to sign up!

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator


Thanks to our generous community, we SURPASSED our 2018 fundraising goal of $3,000 for our Grassroots Fund!

Plus: we succeeded in earning all 3 of our matching gifts. That $3,000 we raised? Now it’s $6,000 – all for local farmers facing an especially challenging 2019 after this past growing season of extreme weather.
From the depths of our roots to the tops of our fronds, we’re thrilled we grew beyond our goal!
Together, we have empowered so many community-based growers to stay strong and certified after an especially difficult year of extreme weather. The generosity of our community makes it possible for Certified Naturally Grown to remain affordable for all. Thank you!
However, we anticipate continued and increasing demand for Grassroots Fund support in the coming year. It’s not too late to chip in to #RaiseResilientFarms!

Please, give 2019 a generous start and give what you can. Our Grassroots Fund is grassroots supported.

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