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Certified Naturally Grown is currently developing online instructional materials and video lessons in partnership with Organic Growers School on Soil Health, Pest & Disease Management, and Weed Management. We seek experienced farmers with a robust understanding of vegetable production practices that work in alignment with ecological principles. Two to five selected farmers will be filmed by a small crew on their farms as they provide instruction on farming practices that relate to the curriculum topic(s).
Please share this post with farmers you know in the United States. We strongly encourage applications from groups that have historically been underrepresented, including but not limited to people of color and women.
This is a paid, temporary, contract position to be carried out this summer.
The deadline to apply is Friday, June 5th.

Farmers win when new technologies lighten their work load while improving crops and soils at the same time. So we’re happy to introduce FilmOrganic, offering a full line of biodegradable mulch films for producers looking to boost yields, reduce their environmental footprint, and improve efficiency. 
We spoke with co-founder Roger Tambay to learn how the company was founded on a commitment to farmers’ success and ecological sustainability. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, FiilmOrganic!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did FilmOrganic get started?
Roger Tambay (RT): About seven years ago, Hugo Meunier and I founded the company because we saw a pressing need to reduce the use of plastic mulch on farms by providing a more sustainable alternative: biodegradable mulch film. We had known each other for nearly 25 years and gained extensive knowledge and experience making polyethylene mulch film while working in the plastic film industry in different companies.
Mulch film is the #1 source of plastic pollution on a farm. Each year farmers lay out enough black plastic in their fields to travel to the moon and back – four times! For the sake of the environment and soil health, this black plastic should be taken up at the end of the season, which has enormous labor costs and overflows our landfills. We knew biodegradable mulch film could provide a better solution.
For a long time, there were two kinds of biodegradable mulch films. The first were expensive and ill-adapted to most growers’ needs. The others simply did not live up to their biodegradable claims. By founding FilmOrganic we set out to change the options available to farmers. 
CNG: What are FilmOrganic’s core values?
RT: We want to see farmers succeed, and to offer tools that save money, improve soils, and reduce solid waste.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?
RT: It was easy. CNG’s core values perfectly align with FilmOrganic’s. It was a natural fit.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support FilmOrganic’s customers?
RT: CNG’s history as a grassroots organization has always been about educating and promoting sustainable agriculture. CNG can support FilmOrganic by continuing to increase consumer and grower awareness about the benefits of using cleaner, safer, more affordable, and more convenient methods of farming.
CNG: What developments at FilmOrganic can the CNG community look forward to?
RT: We have developed a full line of certified compostable, seedling certified and biodegradable, affordable mulch films, including:

  • Black mulch films with lifespans from 3 to 18 months
  • CoolWhiteTM, white on black mulch films with either a 6 or 12 months lifespan
  • For hemp producers, FilmOrganic’s Smart StripesTM, proven by Colorado State University to boost yield by as much as 10% in most climates
  • For tomato producers, FilmOrganic’s reflective biodegradable mulch film, known to extend the production cycle in most climates
  • The all new Reflective biodegradable mulch film provides growers with a sustainable means of controlling aphids and increasing plant health
    FilmOrganic has several distribution centers strategically located in CA, OR, CO, LA, KY, GA and NY to provide a cost-effective means of getting product quickly.
    CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in North America?
    RT: We would eliminate the pollution caused by single-use disposable plastic mulch film.
    CNG: Is there anything else the CNG community should know?
    RT: We are here to help growers choose the most effective products and techniques for their specific crops. Our expertise runs much deeper than mulch films. We want to see farmers succeed, so we solve problems and help improve techniques to reduce cost and increase efficiency. By having worked directly with over 300 farms across the nation, we are continuously adapting and improving our products.
    At FilmOrganic, we are the mulch film experts.
    …are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

We know good organic feed can be hard to find. If you’re in the south, particularly North Carolina, Reedy Fork Farm has you covered. They’re not only a grain mill, but raise their own livestock as well, so they know the business. 
We spoke with Melissa Blanchard to learn more of the rich history of this local institution, and how it’s evolved into a premier organic grain supplier. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, Reedy Fork Farm!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Reedy Fork Organic Farm & Feed Mill get started?
Melissa Blanchard (MB): We are a 5th generation farm.
In the 1950s, Franklin Teague converted the farm from a tobacco farm to a dairy farm. In 2007 , we went organic and milled our first load of organic feed in our feed mill on Valentine’s Day. Today we are a dairy, beef, laying hen farm, as well as a feed mill.
CNG: What are Reedy Fork Organic Farm & Feed Mill’s core values?
MB: To provide the best feed, milled fresh, and with only North American Grains. We pride ourselves on knowing where our grains are grown if we don’t grow them ourselves.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?
MB: You asked, so we did! Actually, we have customers that are a part of Certified Naturally Grown and we want to show our support for what they are doing.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Reedy Fork Organic Farm & Feed Mill’s customers?
MB: Giving them an outlet to show off their products that were grown the way nature intended, and locally assuring consumers that they are grown the proper way!
CNG: What are some exciting developments at Reedy Fork Organic Farm & Feed Mill our CNG community can look forward to?
MB: The continued growth of our feed mill, and the expansion of stores that stock our feed for our customers convenience. Plus, we plan to increase the dairy side of our farm each year to bring more families Organic Valley Milk.
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
MB: Have more certified organic grains readily available, and educating consumers on what they are purchasing for their livestock.

…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog?

This garden thrived during a season of drought with a boost from 4G Soil Solutions
4G Soil Restoration is a Business Ally of Certified Naturally Grown with an unlikely history. Their chief product is a soil amendment that improves microbial activity, which in turn boosts crop resilience, quality, and abundance.
We spoke with one of the company’s representatives, Tom Wafford, to get the inside story on how the evolution of their product arose from a seemingly unrelated industry.

CNG: How did 4G Soil Restoration get started?

Tom Wafford (TW): In the 1990’s I was involved with a group of industrial odor control distributors. Our distributors were from Holland, England, Chile, New Zealand, Hawaii and four of us were from the United States. We treated landfills, waste water plants, transfer stations, waste to energy plants, turkey barns (high ammonia), and compost to name a few areas.

We started concentrating on compost, feeding the bacteria with our nutrient package. One of the compost projects we treated was at Purdue University and through testing it was found that we increased the bacteria in the compost 10 fold. The product we were using then was a nutrient package only, but it has evolved considerably over the years. Today we feel with Growth Burst we have a more complete package, with 25 varieties of aerobic bacteria and fungi in their own nutrient package of a molasses base, including products from the ocean.

I have personally used Growth Burst on many different applications and have seen great results.

CNG: What are 4G Soil Restoration’s core values?

(TW): We want the soils to get back to the way they were created, healthy, vibrant, full of energy, full of earth worms ~ the ideal environment for plant life. We want the food we grow to be nutrient dense and grown in a pathogen free environment to guard against food poisoning. We believe that we can grow food that is safe.

CNG: How did 4G Soil Restoration make the decision to support CNG as a business ally?

(TW): I was contacted by CNG before the PASA conference. I looked at your site and saw your network and was impressed with what I saw! I like that you’re helping promote CNG for many reasons. One of them is that to become certified organic, many hoops must be jumped through. Some of them can be almost unrealistic, expensive and everybody doesn’t need to be certified organic. I wanted to become a part of this organization. It’s also another way to promote this wonderful product.

CNG: How does CNG support 4G Soil Restoration’s customers?

(TW): Mainly by introducing Growth Burst and its benefits to your network of farmers, gardeners and individuals. Also, encouraging people to grow naturally and not use petro-chemicals while helping educate the public about the importance of healthy soils.

CNG: What are some exciting developments at 4G Soil Restoration our CNG community can look forward to?

(TW): More pictures and testimonies of how Growth Burst has benefited crops, pastures, gardens, berries, fruit, flowers, yards, trees etc. It is being used in greenhouses for the first time. We just had a lab test done on the two main herbicides in agent orange. After 2 weeks 2,4-D was reduced 94.1% and 2,4-T was reduced 74.8%. We have also done testing on glyphosate and have eliminated it from the soil. We will be doing further testing on glyphosate to find the time frame of removing it from the soil.

CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in North America?

(TW): I would have the use of lime drastically reduced or eliminated. Lime can compact the soil, doesn’t let the soil get proper aeration, and can kill some good bacteria. Growth Burst helps to balance the PH (whether acidic or alkaline) and makes it possible to reduce use of petrochemical nitrogen fertilizers. If herbicides are used, the application of Growth Burst can remove residual amounts from the soil.

CNG: Is there anything else CNG farmers and beekeepers should know?

(TW): We are getting high germination results and 30 to 40% greater dry matter at harvest with no lime used, with at least 50% less fertilizers and nitrogen. Growth Burst is very bee friendly, and is approved by Washington State Dept. of Agriculture for use on certified organic operations.

…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog?

We are working to bring together farmer and rancher voices on climate issues. As federal leaders discuss how to address greater weather extremes, agriculture needs to be part of the conversation. We urge you to join farmers from around the country as we call on members of Congress and USDA leaders support farmers and ranchers in addressing a changing climate.
“We the undersigned farmers and ranchers, write to express our deep concerns about climate change impacts on agriculture in the United States and to call for solutions that invest in our rural and agricultural communities.”
Please take a moment to sign on here
Certified Naturally Grown is a proud member of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC), which will use this letter in meetings with members of Congress, USDA program leaders, and other key decision-makers to urge effective policy action to combat climate change, and especially to help farmers and ranchers weather the storm and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.

Farmer Letter on Climate Change Solutions in Agriculture
We, the undersigned farmers and ranchers, write to express our deep concerns about climate change impacts on agriculture in the United States and to call for solutions that invest in our rural and agricultural communities.

Agriculture is on the front lines of a changing climate. Compared to a generation ago, we are experiencing greater weather extremes, from recurrent 100-year floods to severe and prolonged droughts to greater heat waves that threaten workers, crops and livestock. As temperatures continue to rise, new pest and disease pressures are impacting crop yields and quality. As farmers and ranchers, we are accustomed to adapting to change, but the greater extremes we are experiencing today are unprecedented. Our rural communities lack the resources and infrastructure, making them especially vulnerable to climate change impacts. We recognize that these challenges are not experienced equally—disproportionately affecting socially disadvantaged communities, especially farmers and ranchers of color.

Climate change presents a fundamental threat to our ability to remain viable in the years to come. We must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, change to a renewable energy system and advance a multitude of solutions, including the unique and important climate solutions offered by agriculture. We also need investment in conservation practices and farm programs that make our operations and rural communities more resilient to extreme weather events.

We are committed to being part of the solution. By improving soil health and increasing soil organic matter on our farms and ranches, we have the power to draw down atmospheric carbon levels at the root of climate change. This approach is recognized by farmers and scientists throughout the world as a critical climate strategy. Through our use of soil health practices like cover crops, crop rotation, improved grazing management and reduced tillage our farms and ranches can become net carbon sinks. These same practices are necessary for adaptation to climate disasters; soil organic matter increases water holding capacity and reduces erosion, which can help our operations withstand some weather extremes. We can and must also reduce potent greenhouse gas emissions, like nitrous oxide and methane emissions, through a diversity of strategies.

We must also protect our agricultural land from the ongoing loss to non-agricultural development. When agricultural lands are converted to urban uses, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with that land increase significantly. One study found that an acre of urban land emits 70 times more greenhouse gas emissions than an acre of irrigated cropland and 100 times more than an acre of rangeland. Protecting our farms and ranches will ensure this vast and important land is available for both food production and carbon storage for generations to come.

Our farms and ranches can also produce renewable energy in unique and important ways. More farmers than ever before are taking steps to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, as well as producing on-farm renewable energy themselves, including solar and wind, with the opportunity to continue to grow this into an even greater source of renewable rural energy.

Many of the climate solutions offered by agriculture provide multiple benefits to our farms, our communities, and our environment. Among them are increased crop yields, greater resilience to weather extremes, improved air and water quality and enhanced wildlife habitat. We should seek to advance climate solutions that provide these multiple benefits.

But agriculture cannot become part of the climate solution without significant investment. We must reduce the risk to producers in shifting to new climate-friendly agricultural practices by investing in relevant technical assistance, financial incentives and research—especially for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. No climate policy at the national level will be complete or effective without recognizing the role agriculture must play in avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing our carbon sinks and our resiliency. Our food security depends on embracing agricultural solutions to a changing climate.

These solutions to climate change will promote an agricultural economy that is based on fairness and opportunities for family farms and rural communities.

We cannot afford to wait. Action is needed now to address our changing climate. Agriculture can and must be part of the solution.


Farming doesn’t have to break your back, especially with the wonderful world of tools available in 2020.

Easy Digging Garden Tools offers a vast array of tough-working tools to help you get the job done, while supporting your health the whole way through. They are also a Business Ally of Certified Naturally Grown!

The company was created to sell unique garden, farm, and digging tools from around the world. They specialize in garden hoes, including the grub hoe, grape hoe, and fork hoe. Easy Digging also offers seeders, planters, shovels, spades, trenching tools, broadforks, and more.

Founder Greg Baka is a long-time gardener who also happens to be an engineer, which means that quality, usefulness, ergonomics, and design are important tenets of his work.

We interviewed Greg to learn more about his philosophies for tools, and how he supports direct-market farmers every day. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, Easy Digging Garden Tools!

Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Easy Digging Garden Tools get started?
Greg Baka (GB): We started back in 2007 when I finally got to use a grub hoe, loved it, and discovered that nobody was selling good ones in the US. We started out just selling them and a few related types of garden hoes, then kept adding other tools as we discovered or created them.

CNG: What are Easy Digging Garden Tools’ core values?
GB: My background is as an engineer, so efficiency, ruggedness, and quality are the core values we strive for in all the tools we sell. We also understand the importance of having the right information and of sharing knowledge, so we strive to be accurate, helpful, and honest when answering people’s questions.

CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?

CNG is a great resource for our customers who are growing and selling at farmers markets and through CSAs. We wanted to support those growers who often purchase tools from us, and joining CNG was a great way to do that.

CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Easy Digging Garden Tools’ customers?
GB: For the small growers we talk to, becoming “Certified Naturally Grown” is a powerful marketing tool for demonstrating to their customers that they are doing the right things to provide food and farm products that are safe, healthy, and sustainable.

CNG: What are some exciting developments at Easy Digging Garden Tools our CNG community can look forward to?
GB: Besides constantly searching the world for great garden tools, we also have a few new tool designs we are working on. Hopefully a couple will be ready to sell in late 2020. We are also always adding to our library of useful knowledge, with articles and guides like these:
All the Different Types of Garden Hoes
Wheel Hoe Buying Guide
Garden Seeder Buying Guide
How to Improve Clay Soil

CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
GB: I would return it to the days when family farms were profitable. Back to the days when small farms practiced mixed agriculture with a variety of crops and animals. A return to the time before excessive use of pesticides, herbicides, and GMO’s.

Please let us know when that magic wand is ready.

CNG:  Is there anything else CNG farmers and beekeepers should know?
GB: I would like to leave the CNG readers with a request. If you come across unique tools that are not readily available here in the US, please let me know. Sometimes they are from inventors or small manufacturers. Sometimes they are foreign or antique tools. If you tell us about them, we can do the research to explore adding them to our site or having them produced. Sharing your discovery could help many other growers and gardeners.

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator
A beautiful day for a BCS at Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors
Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors is a Business Ally of Certified Naturally Grown that also happens to be the the second largest two-wheel tractor dealer in USA!
The Tennessee company offers lifetime support for the vast inventory they sell, plus deeply discounted everyday pricing. If you’re local, you’re also welcome to swing by the farm to try the equipment before you buy.
We spoke with Founder Richard Dailey to learn the story behind his work, and how he supports direct-market farmers every day. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors get started?
Richard Dailey (RD): I sort of “fell into it.” Back in 2007, I got the urge to move out of Atlanta to rural Tennessee and become a natural vegetable grower. Well, 1 marriage and 7 kids later I do actually grow all natural produce, however it’s primarily for my family.
During this time I got into BCS 2 wheel tractors as a consumer. One thing led to another, and now we are the second largest two-wheel tractor dealer in USA. I give God the credit for this. But instead of paying all the bills with vegetables, we do it with 2 wheel tractor sales.
So we are basically a support system for many professional market growers, as our customer base is probably 80% professional vegetable growers.
CNG: What are Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors core values?
RD: We are a family-run business. In order of importance to us: God, then Family, then local community.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?
RD: I talked with someone at CNG and decided it was a good fit.
Bottom line, I am into local, small-scale food production that is ALL NATURAL, NO CHEMICALS and is good for our environment and local community. I like the idea of peers/other farmers “vetting” each other.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors’ customers?
RD: Being a good alternative to “certified organic.” And one that I think makes more sense in the real world.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at Dailey’s Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors our CNG community can look forward to?
RD: We have several newer things going on…We recently started selling Jang Precision seeders. We continue to strive to be the BEST in our field and to keep our prices low for our customers!
Our most recent addition to our line up is a high quality Firewood Processing line. Blacks Creek Innovations (made in Canada), makes a quality line of firewood processing equipment. We are happy to offer it to your customers!
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
RD: I would work to get young people out to the farms and out of confined buildings/spaces where they are currently being “educated.” Instead, being educated on the farm, in the outdoors and while learning a ton, getting an appreciation for nature.

…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog?

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator
Kayla Clark, former apprentice with the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), was all smiles on Oggún
You’ve likely heard of the tractor disrupting the industry: it’s called “Oggún.”
CleBer’s Oggún Iron Horse tractor is an open-source, modern replica of the Allis G that’s revolutionizing farming around the globe. The company is also a Business Ally of Certified Naturally Grown!
This modern cousin of the Allis Chalmers Model G incorporates new features such as hydrostatic transmission, 3-point hitch, zero-turn radius, and an optional PTO. It’s great for bed preparation, mowing, transplanting, and cultivating.
The tractor is designed specifically for small-scale, direct-market farms. It can be built with off-the-shelf parts that can be purchased from multiple vendors. The tractor’s Open System Manufacturing (OSM) model means the CleBer/Oggún gives the design and parts lists to all customers. The simple technology means that a mechanic with a basic understanding of tractor service can execute repairs.
We spoke with Founder Horace Clemmons to learn the story behind this innovative tractor, and what’s ahead for the game-changing company. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, CleBer/Oggún!
Are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did CleBer/Oggún get started?
Horace Clemmons (HC): My business partner, Saul Berenthal, was born in Cuba, and left when he was 16. He always said, “One of these days, we are going to start a business in Cuba.”
We met over four decades ago when we were working for IBM, and then decided to start our own cash register software company to compete with giants of the industry. The key to our success was to create open software, not subject to licenses, which anyone could use. We changed the rules of the market. 
We saw an opportunity in Cuba in December 2014, after Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama announced they were opening a new chapter in bilateral relations. To support food sovereignty for the island, we sought to create a company that manufactures medium-sized tractors to help Cuban producers be more efficient.
Like our previous work, the Oggún tractor is based on an Open Source Manufacturing Model (OSMM). This means that is can be assembled from a base group of modular off-the-shelf components that are readily available in a wide variety of markets and from different suppliers. This way, not only is the tractor more adaptive to the needs of small-scale farmers, but servicing and maintenance becomes easier since parts and components are internationally available and interchangeable between different machines.
CNG: What are CleBer/Oggún’s core values?
HC: To ensure that the money stays where the work is done.
Farmers at Stone Barns Center in NY cultivating with an Oggún tractor
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support CleBer/Oggún’s customers?
HC: You encourage agroecology much as we do.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at CleBer/Oggún our CNG community can look forward to in the future?
HC: We have announced Oggún II, and are working to convince the Land Grant Universities to establish guidelines for scalable equipment and implements that can move up and down the scale from hand tool farming to tractor farming. We also aim to produce the tractor in each country where they’ll be sold with locally sourced parts. This will control freight costs, and stimulate the regional economy.
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?
HC: I would have every farmer use agroecology methods and create implements and equipment based on an Open System architecture, much like computers and software are today.

I truly believe that everyone wants to understand that we can’t focus on farming as a vertical model. We have to have the technology and link all the regional merchants together. We’ve got to fix the regional economy. Shoe stores, artists, and farmers all have to have the software infrastructure available to them for time and convenience.

…are you interested in featuring your like-minded company on our blog? 

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

We’re proud to share a brand new perk of the Certified Naturally Grown membership!

CNG farms can now post an unlimited number of jobs for free on Good Food Jobs.

With a unique-to-CNG offer code, CNG members will save at least $60 when posting on GFJ.
This special code is valid through February 16, 2021, but it’s only available to CNG members.

If you’re already certified and want to take advantage of this offer, drop a note to to get the secret code.
Note: if you’re not ready to hire staff for your farm, Good Food Jobs also offers listings for:
– Internships/apprenticeships
– Summer jobs
– Educational opportunities
– Americorps
– Positions with non-monetary compensation, including college credit
Not familiar with the Good Food Jobs resource? In the words of its founders, Dorothy and Taylor,

“Good Food Jobs is a gastro-job search tool, designed to link people looking for meaningful food work with the businesses that need their energy, enthusiasm, and intellect.
“We post opportunities with farmers and food artisans, policy makers and purveyors, retailers and restaurateurs, economists, ecologists, and more.
“Good Food Jobs was created to help passionate people find work that they love doing.”
Join Certified Naturally Grown to gain access to unlimited job postings on Good Food Jobs!

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

We are overjoyed to announce that there are now over 100 markets listed in our Guide to Exceptional Markets (GEMs)!
In fact, the majority of states in the US now have markets listed in this highly selective roster!
We’re proud to promote qualified GEMs markets around the country – including these five recently-added listings that helped us surpass 100:
GreenStar Cooperative in Ithaca, NY
Crossroads Farmers Market in Takoma Park, MD
Lake Saint Louis Farmers & Artists Market in Wentzville, MO
Memphis Farmers Market in Memphis, TN
Schenectady Greenmarket in Schenectady, NY

If you’re new to the sparkling world of GEMs, let us introduce you: these are the farmers markets, coops, and independent grocers that have made a conscious effort to recognize and prefer the farmer vendors who verify their growing practices with a certification. In turn, Certified Naturally Grown qualifies, applauds, and rewards these markets that are building a better food system by encouraging ecological practices.
Find a listing of all the GEMs markets across the US and Canada here!
Our Guide has three tiers: Recognized, Preferred, and Required. Each tier offers exciting benefits for the markets that make the cut, including social media promotion, a free press release, a dedicated blog post, stacks of temporary tattoos, and more.
You’re invited to check out the full benefits package. We’re open and interested in other collaborations we can think up together!

Does your neighborhood market feature certified vendors?

If there’s at least one CNG farmer, let us know!
We would be delighted if it qualifies, and will happily add it to our GEMs listing.
Farmers, you’re especially invited to recommend your market for our GEMs guide! You’ll be making sure your market gets as much promotion as possible with the help of the marketing perks that come with being listed in GEMs.
Just click the button below to #PitchYourMarket!

Upcoming GEMs Webinars

Want to learn more about our Guide to Exceptional Markets? Wondering if your market is a good fit?
Register for an upcoming GEMs webinar lead by CNG’s Executive Director. The webinar will wrap up with a Q&A session.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
1pm Eastern / noon Central / 10am Pacific
Click here to register
If this time don’t work for you, register for future invitations here.
Top photo: Flowers from Whitton Farms at Memphis Farmers Market (L) and cabbage at Dodo Farms (top R) at Crossroads Farmers Market (bottom L) helped grow our GEMs guide to 100+ listings!

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