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Recordkeeping Like a Pro – Digital Class Recording


Note: this is a digital recording of a previously aired class.

Purchase includes a downloadable Homeroom Document. This interactive PDF serves as the central location for all course materials and links to the recorded Zoom session, presenter slides, and any additional resources provided with the class.

To use:

  1. Download the Homeroom Document from your confirmation email
  2. Visit page 2, and click “Watch the Recording”
  3. Make sure to visit the Post Class Resources for additional content that supplements the lesson
  4. Save your Homeroom Document to your computer for lifelong access


The backbone of every business, good records help us apply the things we learn each season to make our future seasons even better.

Experienced farmer, Liz Visser, along with CNG certification specialist and farmer Keegan Athey, will share their myriad strategies, systems, and tools for in-the-moment notetaking, number crunching, and enterprise tracking. This class will quip participants to:

Design a sustainable recordkeeping system that works for YOU—your crops, your scale, your personality.

Determine what your recordkeeping goals are and which records you should actually take the time to keep.

Learn about a variety of tried and tested recordkeeping strategies, tools, and hacks from two long-time farmers.

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